AboutLectures & Co.

Lecture (L) / Debate (D) / Jury (J) / Guest Professor (T) / Workshop (W) / Process Moderator (M)


L “Ateneo de Madrid 2016-2022”. Lecture and visit from the UVA School of Architecture. University of Virginia, US


D Member of the Europan Europe Technical Committee. E17 INTER-SESSION FORUM Madrid. Spain
M/L «Red Internacional COAM». International practices curated by COAM and the MAEC Ministry of Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation. COAM. Madrid
D Member of the Europan Europe Technical Committee. E17 Sites Meeting in Zagreb. Croatia
L «Series ART_IFICIALES». Lecture at UEM Master curated by Eduardo Arroyo
L/D Lecture around the publication of the book “MATERIAL” by Picharchitects/Pich-Aguilera at MATCOAM, Building Department of COAM
L “Housing as a verb”. Lecture at Lunds Tekniska Högskola. Lund University, Sweden
L/D “NAN Sustainability Space“ Lecture at NAN Arquitectura Magazine in Madrid.
L “Ciclo proyecta y construye con prefabricados de hormigón“. Lecture at ANDECE, Spanish National Association of Precast Concrete Industry.
L “2006-2024 GdlF Competitions”. Lecture at Lunds Tekniska Högskola. Lund University, Sweden
L COAM cycle “The Architect Shows His Work” in the Metro de Madrid Headquarters Complex, Spain.


L Podcast COAM “Arquitectura Acompasada” Episodio 32, Centro Integral del Transporte del Metro de Madrid, Spain
L “New thresholds between the territory, the city and the living room”. Lecture at Lunds Tekniska Högskola. Lund University, Sweden
D Member of the Europan Europe Technical Committee. E17 Forum Cities & Juries, Vienna. Austria
L “Integración de Sistemas y Arqueología Contemporánea”. Lecture at Environment Sciences and Bioclimatism Master, UNAH (School of Architecture) National University of Honduras
L “2006-2022 GdlF Competitions”. Lecture at Lunds Tekniska Högskola. Lund University, Sweden
D Launch event of Europan 17 Germany. In discussion with the cities of Munich and Kassel
L “Integración de Sistemas y Arqueología Contemporánea”. Lecture at Environment Sciences and Bioclimatism Master, ETSAM (School of Architecture of Madrid) Politécnica de Madrid
M “Experiences of Cities”. Bosque Metropolitano of Madrid Symposium organized by Madrid City Council, Spain


D “Surprising as the reverse side of the moon, the other side of the European City?” Symposium at Aedes-Campus Berlin organized by Bauwelt. Berlin, Germany
D Member of the Europan Europe Technical Committee. E16/17 Inter-sessions Forum, Clermont-Ferrand. France
L “New thresholds between the territory and the living room”. Lecture at Lunds Tekniska Högskola Lund University, Sweden
L/D Presentation of the book “ATENEO DE MADRID. Rehabilitación y restauración del Ateneo Científico, Literario y Artístico de Madrid”. Lecture and debate in Ateneo de Madrid, Madrid, Spain
L “2006-2022 GdlF Competitions”. Lecture at Lunds Tekniska Högskola. Lund University, Sweden
L/D The Symposium TERRITORIAL TURN! Lecture and debate at the Technische Universität Graz, Institut für Städtebau, Austria
L The IBA’27 symposium «Das Erbe der Moderne. IBA’27-Plenum «Legacy of Modernism» at the ABK / Weissenhofsiedlung, Stuttgart, Germany
L 20 Jahre Dienstagsreihe Coburg. ”What does 20 years mean in architecture?”. Lecture at Hochschule Coburg. Coburg School of Architecture, Germany


L/D Presentation of the research book “Atlas de la Innovación_New Madrid Mix”” together with the City of Madrid . Lecture and debate at MediaLab Prado, Madrid, Spain
L “Housing as a verb”. Lecture at Lunds Tekniska Högskola (November). Lund University, Sweden
D Member of the Europan Europe Technical Committee. E16 Forum of Cities & Juries
T Creative Competition Studio / Advanced Architectural Design Master. Guest Professor at Lunds Tekniska Högskola (October). Lund University, Sweden
L/D “Madrid, new proximities in the productive post-industrial city”. Lecture and debate at the Institut für Stadtebau TU Graz symposium “Where city and territory meet…” Graz, Austria
L “Recent Works”. Lecture at Lunds Tekniska Högskola (August). Lund University, Sweden
L “Qué vuelva la luz al Ateneo”. Lecture about the refurbishment and restoration works of Ateneo de Madrid. Ateneo de Madrid, Spain.
L “Integration of systems and contemporary archeology”. Lecture at Mayab, ETSAM (May). Madrid School of Architecture, Spain
D Member of the Europan Europe Technical Committee. E15-16 Inter-sessions Forum of Cities & Results
L “Synergies between architecture and shared spaces”. Lecture at Lunds Tekniska Högskola (May). Lund University, Sweden


L/D Presentation of the book “Atlas de la Innovación_ Nuevo Madrid Mix”. Lecture and debate with the City of Madrid in Medialab Prado, Madrid, Spain.
T Creative Competition Studio / Advanced Architectural Design Master. Guest Professor at Lunds Tekniska Högskola (October). Lund University, Sweden.
/ “Testimonios” Interview about Europan / Video for Europan Spain. “Testimonios” Series. Europan ES
L “Logistics in XXI Century”. Lecture in the Reinventing Cities 2 Madrid Meet-up in Medialab. Madrid, Spain.
T·W “A model of progress without growth” Workshop about Shrinking Cities in Lund.
Guest Professor at Lunds Tekniska Högskola (February). Lund University, Sweden


L “Rendering the Collective in the Circular City”. Book and Pavilion presentation in the Seoul Biennale of Architecture and Urbanism 2019. Donuimun Museum Village, Seoul, South Korea.
D Madrid/AUE, Vienna, and Brussels Round Table about the Circular City in DDP, Seoul. South Korea.
D Member of the Europan Europe Technical Committee. E15 Forum Cities & Juries, Innsbruck. Austria.
T·D Guest Professor at Lunds Tekniska Högskola (June / October). Lund University, Sweden.
W Europan Europe Archive workshop in Paris, France.


D Member of the Europan Europe Technical Committee. E14/E15 Inter-sessions Forum of
Cities & Results, Brussels. Belgium.
W·D Member of the Europan Europe Technical Committee. Sites Meeting in Madrid, Spain.
W Member of the Europan Europe Technical Committee. E14 Seminar in Amsterdam, NL.
J Jury Member of BDA Architektur Regionalpreis Niederbayern-Oberpfalz 2018. Germany


J Jury Member of Europan 14 Spain. International Jury.
D Member of the Europan Europe Technical Committee. E13 Forum Cities & Juries, Helsinki. Finland.
J Jury Member of the Kömmerling Zero Energy Headquarters Competition, Madrid. Spain.
L “Europan from Spain” at COAM/UEM, Madrid. Spain.
L “Colour as Code, Childminders Centre in Selb”, LaSede COAM. Madrid. Spain.


D Member of the Europan Europe Technical Committee. E13/E14 Inter-sessions Forum of Cities &
Results, Badajoz. Spain.
L·D «Haus der Tagesmütter”, Architectus Omnibus? & Concéntrico 02 Festival in Würth Museum in La
Rioja, Spain.


D Member of the Europan Europe Technical Committee. E13 Forum Cities & Juries, Bratislava. Slovakia.
L·D «Expo 2010 Site Re-appropriation”, XII Madrid Architecture Week. LaSede COAM. Madrid. Spain.
L·D «Working abroad in Germany”, XII Madrid Architecture Week. LaSede COAM. Madrid. Spain.
w «Expo 2010 Site Re-appropriation», IVM Passages Shanghai Competition Workshop in situ. China.


L «Form & Structure Series». Technische Hochschule Nürnberg, Fakültat Architektur. Germany.
L·D Architecture Week International Workshop about international practice in COAM. Madrid. Spain.
D Member of the Europan Europe Technical Committee. E12-13 Inter-Sessions Forum, Pavia. Italy
D·M·W Moderator in the Implementation Workshop of Regionale 2016, Europan 12 Germany.


L·D·W Member of the Europan Europe Technical Committee. Forum of Cities and Juries, Paris. France
J Jury Member of Europan 12 Germany. National Jury. Deutsch-Polnische Jury 2013. Berlin. Germany
J Jury Member of E12 Regionale 2016 Local Jury: Dorsten, Ahaus and Nordkirchen. Germany
T Architecture Diploma Jury Panel at Polytechnic University CEU San Pablo, Madrid. Spain
L·D Presentation of the PINTA COAM International Platform. LaSede COAM. Madrid. Spain
L·D «Heritage of the Future». Europan 12 Opening. Aedes Campus ANCB, Berlin. Germany
T·W Guest Professors at Hochschule Coburg. Germany. (Workshop «Density» in Selb, Germany)
L·T «21st Century Urban Mutations». Polytechnic University CEU San Pablo. Madrid. Spain
L·D «Das Erste Haus» Bauwelt Award 2013. Technische Universität München (TUM). Germany


T Guest Professors at Lunds Tekniska Högskola. Lund University, Sweden
L «Post-industrial urban mutations». Lunds Tekniska Högskola. Lund University, Sweden
L·D «Europan: Bauen als Diskurs». Wohnen als urbane Substanz. HdA Graz. Austria
L «Europan 09 Selb. Selb Experiences». Dienstagsreihe. Hochschule Coburg. Germany
W Europan 11 Forum Vienna. «Aderklaaer Area. Linking uses». Vienna. Austria
L·D «Inventing typologies for diversify uses» E9 Selb. Semperdepot, Vienna. Austria
D «Creating a porous urban tissue» E11 Linz. Semperdepot. Vienna. Austria
L «Europan 11 – Linzertus», E11 Linz. Tabakfabrik, Linz. Austria


W Europan 10 Forchheim Imlementation Project. Forchheim. Germany


L·D «Europan 10. New Urban Landscapes» University of Neuchâtel, Switzerland
D «Europan 10. Urban Sustainability» Brauhaus-Dessau, Germany


L·D «Europan 10. Urban Acupuncture» , E10 Opening in Tempelhof, Berlin. Germany


L «Nueva Arquitectura desde la Juventud» Architecture Week 08′ in Madrid. Spain
W Europan 09 Forum Santiago. «Monteporreiro Public spaces». Santiago. Spain.
D «Europan 09 public spaces, context, uses” Santiago de Compostela. Spain
D «Europan 09 living in the city» Santiago de Compostela. Spain
L «Europan 09 public spaces and new urban uses» Europan Workshop. Spain
D «Europan 09 public spaces inner city Selb», Berlin. Germany


L «Paralelismos» in Townhall Bornos. Cádiz. Spain