Lecture (L) / Debate (D) / Jury (J) / Guest Professor (T) / Workshop (W) / Process Moderator (M)
2025 |
L | “Ateneo de Madrid 2016-2022”. Lecture and visit from the UVA School of Architecture. University of Virginia, US | |
2024 |
D | Member of the Europan Europe Technical Committee. E17 INTER-SESSION FORUM Madrid. Spain | |
M/L | «Red Internacional COAM». International practices curated by COAM and the MAEC Ministry of Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation. COAM. Madrid | |
D | Member of the Europan Europe Technical Committee. E17 Sites Meeting in Zagreb. Croatia | |
L | «Series ART_IFICIALES». Lecture at UEM Master curated by Eduardo Arroyo | |
L/D | Lecture around the publication of the book “MATERIAL” by Picharchitects/Pich-Aguilera at MATCOAM, Building Department of COAM | |
L | “Housing as a verb”. Lecture at Lunds Tekniska Högskola. Lund University, Sweden | |
L/D | “NAN Sustainability Space“ Lecture at NAN Arquitectura Magazine in Madrid. | |
L | “Ciclo proyecta y construye con prefabricados de hormigón“. Lecture at ANDECE, Spanish National Association of Precast Concrete Industry. | |
L | “2006-2024 GdlF Competitions”. Lecture at Lunds Tekniska Högskola. Lund University, Sweden | |
L | COAM cycle “The Architect Shows His Work” in the Metro de Madrid Headquarters Complex, Spain. | |
2023 |
L | Podcast COAM “Arquitectura Acompasada” Episodio 32, Centro Integral del Transporte del Metro de Madrid, Spain | |
L | “New thresholds between the territory, the city and the living room”. Lecture at Lunds Tekniska Högskola. Lund University, Sweden | |
D | Member of the Europan Europe Technical Committee. E17 Forum Cities & Juries, Vienna. Austria | |
L | “Integración de Sistemas y Arqueología Contemporánea”. Lecture at Environment Sciences and Bioclimatism Master, UNAH (School of Architecture) National University of Honduras | |
L | “2006-2022 GdlF Competitions”. Lecture at Lunds Tekniska Högskola. Lund University, Sweden | |
D | Launch event of Europan 17 Germany. In discussion with the cities of Munich and Kassel | |
L | “Integración de Sistemas y Arqueología Contemporánea”. Lecture at Environment Sciences and Bioclimatism Master, ETSAM (School of Architecture of Madrid) Politécnica de Madrid | |
M | “Experiences of Cities”. Bosque Metropolitano of Madrid Symposium organized by Madrid City Council, Spain | |
2022 |
D | “Surprising as the reverse side of the moon, the other side of the European City?” Symposium at Aedes-Campus Berlin organized by Bauwelt. Berlin, Germany | |
D | Member of the Europan Europe Technical Committee. E16/17 Inter-sessions Forum, Clermont-Ferrand. France | |
L | “New thresholds between the territory and the living room”. Lecture at Lunds Tekniska Högskola Lund University, Sweden | |
L/D | Presentation of the book “ATENEO DE MADRID. Rehabilitación y restauración del Ateneo Científico, Literario y Artístico de Madrid”. Lecture and debate in Ateneo de Madrid, Madrid, Spain | |
L | “2006-2022 GdlF Competitions”. Lecture at Lunds Tekniska Högskola. Lund University, Sweden | |
L/D | The Symposium TERRITORIAL TURN! Lecture and debate at the Technische Universität Graz, Institut für Städtebau, Austria | |
L | The IBA’27 symposium «Das Erbe der Moderne. IBA’27-Plenum «Legacy of Modernism» at the ABK / Weissenhofsiedlung, Stuttgart, Germany | |
L | 20 Jahre Dienstagsreihe Coburg. ”What does 20 years mean in architecture?”. Lecture at Hochschule Coburg. Coburg School of Architecture, Germany | |
2021 |
L/D | Presentation of the research book “Atlas de la Innovación_New Madrid Mix”” together with the City of Madrid . Lecture and debate at MediaLab Prado, Madrid, Spain | |
L | “Housing as a verb”. Lecture at Lunds Tekniska Högskola (November). Lund University, Sweden | |
D | Member of the Europan Europe Technical Committee. E16 Forum of Cities & Juries | |
T | Creative Competition Studio / Advanced Architectural Design Master. Guest Professor at Lunds Tekniska Högskola (October). Lund University, Sweden | |
L/D | “Madrid, new proximities in the productive post-industrial city”. Lecture and debate at the Institut für Stadtebau TU Graz symposium “Where city and territory meet…” Graz, Austria | |
L | “Recent Works”. Lecture at Lunds Tekniska Högskola (August). Lund University, Sweden | |
L | “Qué vuelva la luz al Ateneo”. Lecture about the refurbishment and restoration works of Ateneo de Madrid. Ateneo de Madrid, Spain. | |
L | “Integration of systems and contemporary archeology”. Lecture at Mayab, ETSAM (May). Madrid School of Architecture, Spain | |
D | Member of the Europan Europe Technical Committee. E15-16 Inter-sessions Forum of Cities & Results | |
L | “Synergies between architecture and shared spaces”. Lecture at Lunds Tekniska Högskola (May). Lund University, Sweden | |
2020 |
L/D | Presentation of the book “Atlas de la Innovación_ Nuevo Madrid Mix”. Lecture and debate with the City of Madrid in Medialab Prado, Madrid, Spain. | |
T | Creative Competition Studio / Advanced Architectural Design Master. Guest Professor at Lunds Tekniska Högskola (October). Lund University, Sweden. | |
/ | “Testimonios” Interview about Europan / Video for Europan Spain. “Testimonios” Series. Europan ES | |
L | “Logistics in XXI Century”. Lecture in the Reinventing Cities 2 Madrid Meet-up in Medialab. Madrid, Spain. | |
T·W | “A model of progress without growth” Workshop about Shrinking Cities in Lund. Guest Professor at Lunds Tekniska Högskola (February). Lund University, Sweden |
2019 |
L | “Rendering the Collective in the Circular City”. Book and Pavilion presentation in the Seoul Biennale of Architecture and Urbanism 2019. Donuimun Museum Village, Seoul, South Korea. | |
D | Madrid/AUE, Vienna, and Brussels Round Table about the Circular City in DDP, Seoul. South Korea. | |
D | Member of the Europan Europe Technical Committee. E15 Forum Cities & Juries, Innsbruck. Austria. | |
T·D | Guest Professor at Lunds Tekniska Högskola (June / October). Lund University, Sweden. | |
W | Europan Europe Archive workshop in Paris, France. | |
2018 |
D | Member of the Europan Europe Technical Committee. E14/E15 Inter-sessions Forum of Cities & Results, Brussels. Belgium. |
W·D | Member of the Europan Europe Technical Committee. Sites Meeting in Madrid, Spain. | |
W | Member of the Europan Europe Technical Committee. E14 Seminar in Amsterdam, NL. | |
J | Jury Member of BDA Architektur Regionalpreis Niederbayern-Oberpfalz 2018. Germany | |
2017 |
J | Jury Member of Europan 14 Spain. International Jury. | |
D | Member of the Europan Europe Technical Committee. E13 Forum Cities & Juries, Helsinki. Finland. | |
J | Jury Member of the Kömmerling Zero Energy Headquarters Competition, Madrid. Spain. | |
L | “Europan from Spain” at COAM/UEM, Madrid. Spain. | |
L | “Colour as Code, Childminders Centre in Selb”, LaSede COAM. Madrid. Spain. | |
2016 |
D | Member of the Europan Europe Technical Committee. E13/E14 Inter-sessions Forum of Cities & Results, Badajoz. Spain. |
L·D | «Haus der Tagesmütter”, Architectus Omnibus? & Concéntrico 02 Festival in Würth Museum in La Rioja, Spain. |
2015 |
D | Member of the Europan Europe Technical Committee. E13 Forum Cities & Juries, Bratislava. Slovakia. | |
L·D | «Expo 2010 Site Re-appropriation”, XII Madrid Architecture Week. LaSede COAM. Madrid. Spain. | |
L·D | «Working abroad in Germany”, XII Madrid Architecture Week. LaSede COAM. Madrid. Spain. | |
w | «Expo 2010 Site Re-appropriation», IVM Passages Shanghai Competition Workshop in situ. China. | |
2014 |
L | «Form & Structure Series». Technische Hochschule Nürnberg, Fakültat Architektur. Germany. | |
L·D | Architecture Week International Workshop about international practice in COAM. Madrid. Spain. | |
D | Member of the Europan Europe Technical Committee. E12-13 Inter-Sessions Forum, Pavia. Italy | |
D·M·W | Moderator in the Implementation Workshop of Regionale 2016, Europan 12 Germany. | |
2013 |
L·D·W | Member of the Europan Europe Technical Committee. Forum of Cities and Juries, Paris. France | |
J | Jury Member of Europan 12 Germany. National Jury. Deutsch-Polnische Jury 2013. Berlin. Germany | |
J | Jury Member of E12 Regionale 2016 Local Jury: Dorsten, Ahaus and Nordkirchen. Germany | |
T | Architecture Diploma Jury Panel at Polytechnic University CEU San Pablo, Madrid. Spain | |
L·D | Presentation of the PINTA COAM International Platform. LaSede COAM. Madrid. Spain | |
L·D | «Heritage of the Future». Europan 12 Opening. Aedes Campus ANCB, Berlin. Germany | |
T·W | Guest Professors at Hochschule Coburg. Germany. (Workshop «Density» in Selb, Germany) | |
L·T | «21st Century Urban Mutations». Polytechnic University CEU San Pablo. Madrid. Spain | |
L·D | «Das Erste Haus» Bauwelt Award 2013. Technische Universität München (TUM). Germany | |
2012 |
T | Guest Professors at Lunds Tekniska Högskola. Lund University, Sweden | |
L | «Post-industrial urban mutations». Lunds Tekniska Högskola. Lund University, Sweden | |
L·D | «Europan: Bauen als Diskurs». Wohnen als urbane Substanz. HdA Graz. Austria | |
L | «Europan 09 Selb. Selb Experiences». Dienstagsreihe. Hochschule Coburg. Germany | |
W | Europan 11 Forum Vienna. «Aderklaaer Area. Linking uses». Vienna. Austria | |
L·D | «Inventing typologies for diversify uses» E9 Selb. Semperdepot, Vienna. Austria | |
D | «Creating a porous urban tissue» E11 Linz. Semperdepot. Vienna. Austria | |
L | «Europan 11 – Linzertus», E11 Linz. Tabakfabrik, Linz. Austria | |
2011 |
W | Europan 10 Forchheim Imlementation Project. Forchheim. Germany | |
2010 |
L·D | «Europan 10. New Urban Landscapes» University of Neuchâtel, Switzerland | |
D | «Europan 10. Urban Sustainability» Brauhaus-Dessau, Germany | |
2009 |
L·D | «Europan 10. Urban Acupuncture» , E10 Opening in Tempelhof, Berlin. Germany | |
2008 |
L | «Nueva Arquitectura desde la Juventud» Architecture Week 08′ in Madrid. Spain | |
W | Europan 09 Forum Santiago. «Monteporreiro Public spaces». Santiago. Spain. | |
D | «Europan 09 public spaces, context, uses” Santiago de Compostela. Spain | |
D | «Europan 09 living in the city» Santiago de Compostela. Spain | |
L | «Europan 09 public spaces and new urban uses» Europan Workshop. Spain | |
D | «Europan 09 public spaces inner city Selb», Berlin. Germany | |
2006 |
L | «Paralelismos» in Townhall Bornos. Cádiz. Spain |
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