

Germany CO-AUTHORS WITH ALN OF THE BOOK: “Staatliche Realschule Kemnath”. P. 47. German.


Germany EUROPAN 17 Germany Catalogue “Lebendige Städte 2 / Living Cities 2”. Article by Julio de la Fuente: “Hin zu einer neuen regenerativen Praxis”. Jovis. p.116-117. German.
Germany BAUWELT N.20.2024. Article “Wer nicht wagt, der nicht gewinnt” Mehrgenerationenhaus in Rostock. p.12-14. German.
Germany Projekte / Projects. Internationale Bauausstellung 2027 Stadt Region Stuttgart. Postareal Böblingen. English/German.
Austria Territorial Urbanism Now! Article by Julio de la Fuente & Natalia Gutiérrez: “Madrid: New Proximities in the Productive Post-Industrial City”. p.81-88. English.
Spain NAN Arquitectura. Interview with Gutiérrez-delaFuente
France EUROPAN 17 Results “Living Cities 2”. Article by Julio de la Fuente: “Building the Right to Biodiversity”. p.94-97. English.
Spain Premios COAM 2023. Metro de Madrid Headquarters. p.16-21. Spanish
Germany wa. Wettbewerbe aktuell. N.1.2024. Realschule mit 3-fach-Turnhalle, Kemnath. p.55. German.


Taiwan Detail´24. IW Magazine Special Issue 2024. “Metro de Madrid Headquarters and Transport Complex, Madrid, Spain” p.30-37. English/Chinese
Spain NAN Arquitectura y Construcción. N.179.2023. p.20-22. Spanish
Spain AV Monografías N.253-254. España 2023 Yearbook. Metro de Madrid Headquarters. p.124-131. Spanish/English
Spain BIA Aparejadores de Madrid. Metro de Madrid Headquarters and Transport Complex. Cover and p.20-27. Spanish
Spain Proarquitectura N.172. “Metro de Madrid Headquarters and Transport Complex, (CIT), Madrid” p.56-60. Spanish
Taiwan IW Magazine N.149. “Metro de Madrid Headquarters and Transport Complex, Madrid, Spain” p.74-81. English/Chinese


Spain XVI NAN Arquitectura y Construcción. N.175.2022. p.24-34. Spanish
Spain AUTHORS OF THE BOOK: “ATENEO DE MADRID. Rehabilitación y restauración del Ateneo Científico, Literario y Artístico de Madrid”. P. 172. Spanish. ISBN 978-84-09-45086-2.
Spain EL PAÍS. Article about Metro de Madrid Headquartres by Anatxu Zabalbeascoa. 22.11.08
Germany wa. Wettbewerbe aktuell. N.8.2022. IBA’27 Weissenhof 2027 Competition. German.
Spain BIA Aparejadores de Madrid. Ateneo de Madrid. Cover and p.22-29. Spanish.
France EUROPAN 16 Catalogue “Living Cities”. Article by Julio de la Fuente: “Frames of Interdependency”. Chapter 2 “Recovery”. p.100-103. English. Europan Europe.
Germany wa. Wettbewerbe aktuell. N.3.2022. Innovationszentrum Green Tech, Mannheim. p.53-55. German.


USA AD Magazine. “Production Urbanism: the Meta-Industrial City”. London Low Line as a productive and circular case study. English. Wiley Publishing.
Germany BAUWELT N.16.2021. Article “Post Production” IBA 27 Böblingen. p.12-14. German. Bauverlag BV.
Germany wa wettbewerbe aktuell N.7.2021. IBA 27 Stuttgart Böblingen. p.18-19. German.


UK “Transforming Towns. Designing for Smaller Communities” by Matthew Jones. RIBA Publishing. p.157-164.
Spain AV Proyectos. Metro de Madrid Headquarters in construction. No.100. Nov.2020. p.56-70.
France EUROPAN 15 Catalogue “Productive Cities 2”. Article by Julio de la Fuente: “Types and Fields”, Productive Uses. p.184-187.
Germany BAUWELT N. 15.2020. “Places to Enjoy”. Article by Julio de la Fuente & Natalia Gutiérrez. “Zombie Tunnel”.p.27. German. Bauverlag BV.
Spain AUTHORS/EDITORS OF THE BOOK: “ATLAS DE LA INNOVACIÓN. NUEVO MADRID MIX”. In collaboration with the City of Madrid (Strategic Planning Department). 147 pag. Spanish. ISBN 978-84-7812-818-1.
Spain AUTHORS/EDITORS OF THE BOOK: “AUE/SUA. PRODUCTIVE CITY AND CIRCULAR CITY, CONVERSATIONS AROUND THE SPANISH URBAN AGENDA”. Presented in the WUF World Urban Forum Abu Dhabi 2020. Published by the Ministry of Transport, Mobility and Urban Agenda of Spain. 122 pag. Spanish/English.


Spain Magazine of the Ministry of Fomento (Ministry of Development of Spain). No 700. Dec.2019. Ministerio de Fomento Government of Spain Ed. p.38-45.
Spain AUTHORS/EDITORS OF THE BOOK: “RENDERING THE COLLECTIVE IN THE CIRCULAR CITY” Exploring the Spanish Urban Agenda 2019 / Madrid New Proximities. Presented in the Seoul Biennale of Architecture and Urbanism 2019. With the support of the Ministry of Development of Spain (Agenda Urbana Española) and the City of Madrid. 195 pag. Spanish/English. ISBN 978-84-09-13104-4.
Korea “Industry in the 21st Century” article by Julio de la Fuente included in the “Collective City” Catalogue of the Seoul Biennale 2019. Seoul Design Ed. p.250-254.
Korea “Collective City” Guide Book of the Seoul Biennale 2019. AUE/Madrid Pavilion. p.116.
Spain AV Proyectos Nº 095 2019, “Rendering the Collective in the Circular City”.


Germany Articles in the Catalogue of the Regionalpreis Niederbayern Oberpfalz 2018, BDA, p.8,45,47
France EUROPAN 14 Catalogue “The Productive City”. Article by Carlos Arroyo & Julio de la Fuente:
“The Software and the Hardware”, From City to Productive City. p.90-97.
Spain ARQUITECTURA COAM Magazine. Competitions Special Issue OCAM. Nº374C, p.22/74-75.


Spain “2005-2016. Premio COAM“. Architecture Foundation COAM.p.702-708.
France “Passages, transitional spaces for the 21stC city”, IVM France / Actar Publishers. p.137.


France EUROPAN 13 Catalogue “The Adaptable City”. Article by Chris Younès & Julio de la Fuente:
“Regenerative Metamorphoses of Inhabited Milieux and Project Culture”. p.190-197.
Argentina PLOT Magazine Nº31, “¡Oh si, Postmodernismo!”,p.96-109.
Germany “222 Dienstagsreihe”, Architektur und Design Magazin H.Coburg. p.73.
Korea “New Panel Layout for Competition”. DAMDI Publishing. p.388-389, 706-709, 786-788.
Germany “Aktuelle Architektur in Oberfranken 2”. Initiative Baukunst in Oberfranken. p.140-141.
“CLESA The Competition”, Results Catalogue. Metrovacesa. Arquitectura Viva. p.52-55.


Spain “Architectus Omnibus?”. Ed.Goethe-Institut & Instituto Cervantes. p.42-45.
Spain EXPORT. Arquitectura Española en el Extranjero. Ed. Fundación ICO. p.47-48.
El Cultural de EL MUNDO, 02.01.2015. «A European story», by I. Maluenda y E. Encabo


A+U Architecture and Urbanism Nº529, «Recent Projects». p.42-47
Germany Architektouren 2014. Ed. Bayerische Architektenkammer. p.258
Spain Arquia/Próxima Fuera 2014, Catalogue. Ed.Fundación Arquia. p.90-91
Germany Ausgezeichnete Architektur und Ingenieurbaukunst. Ed. Callwey, p.44-47
Germany Europan 12 Deutschland «Adaptable City». p.256-259
Spain XII BEAU Spanish Architecture & Urbanism Biennal. Catalog p.330-339
Spain XII NAN Arquitectura y Construcción Nº88. Cover and p.44
Spain ARQUITECTURA, COAM Magazine. Colegio Arquitectos de Madrid. Nº337. p.15
Chile VD El Mercurio Nº911. p.32


Korea Architect’s Notebook. DAMDI Co. Archive Series. p.26-49
Spain ARQUITECTURA VIVA Nº155.»Spaniards in Europe. Emerging Offices Working Abroad». p.34-37.
Spain AD Architectural Digest Nº85-2013. p.90-91
USA INTERIOR DESIGN New York. Nº7-2013 «On high». p.180-181
Italy OFARCH International Magazine Architecture & Design. Nº126. p.52-55
Romania IGLOO Habitat & Architectura Magazine. Nº138
A10 New European Architecture Magazine. Nº52. p.20-22
Korea ARCHIWORLD Magazine. Nº216. «Special Children’s Facility». p.126-135
Spain ARQUITECTURA COAM Magazine. Colegio Oficial de Arquitectos de Madrid. Nº336, p.18-19
Germany “Stadt entwerfen. Grundlagen, Prinzipien, Projekte». Birkhäuser Ed.2013. p.81
Italy Point ZERO CNAPPC Magazine. Consiglio Nazionale degli Architetti. Kore Ed. p.84-91
Spain ON DISEÑO Nº333. «33 works & projects, 33 years with design». p.48-53
Korea BOB Nº104. International Magazine of Space Design. A&C Co.p.102-103
Spain ON Diseño Nº331. «Social-cultural Architecture». p.62-67
Korea DIDI _ Design Idea Dictionary. DAMDI Co. Archive Series
Spain EL PAIS 2013.01.19 _ «Terapia de acupuntura urbana» by A.Zabalbeascoa
Germany BAUWELT TV Film «Das Haus der Tagesmütter in Selb». By Kleilein & Siebert
Germany BAUWELT Nº1-2.13. Das Erste Haus. 04. January 2013, 104. p.30-32


Spain FUTURE Nº33-34, Europan 11 Linz. p.52-43
Spain EUROPAN 11 Esp. Territorios y modos de vida. p.96-97
Spain EL PAÍS 2012.09 «El edificio es el anuncio» by Anatxu Zabalbeascoa
Korea “New Panel Layout for Competition”. Ed.DAMDI Co
Spain EL PAÍS 2012.08.06 «La arquitectura se muda», by Anatxu Zabalbeascoa
Germany BAUWELT Nº15-18.12 Europan11. 20th. April 2012, 103
Germany EUROPAN 11, Ergebnisse in Deutschland und Polen. p.116
France EUROPAN 11 Results, Reconnections. p.113/249
France Ideas Changing, EUROPAN IMPLEMENTATIONS 2008-2012. p.22-27
Austria European Urbanity, EUROPAN 11 Austria, Hungary & Kosovo. p.46-53


Korea Architectural Model Lead to Design,Ed. DAMDI Publishing Co.Ltd
France EUROPAN 10 Results Inventing Urbanity. p.21 y 191
Spain EUROPAN 10 Esp. Proyectar la urbanidad. p.150-151
Germany EUROPAN 10 Ergebnisse in Deutschland und Polen. p.39-43


Spain Proyecto Viva Concurso 5.688 viviendas. p.52
Spain Concurso edificio Registro Civil. p.80
Spain Concurso de ideas “Hacia la Sierra” Cádiz. V.01. p.34-38
Spain Concurso Palacio del Cerezo Valle del Jerte. Vol.02. p.240
Spain FUTURE Nº12-13. AMA. p.74-75 and Cover
Spain FUTURE Nº12-13. Selb p.92-93
France EUROPAN 09 Results The sustainable city. p.107/138-141
Spain EUROPAN 09 Esp. Urbanidad europea. p.71-73/86-88
Germany BAUWELT Nº17-18 Europan 09. p.44
Spain AV PROYECTOS, Nº024. p.24-25. Portada
Spain ARQUITECTURA VIVA, Nº115. p.15
Germany EUROPAN 09 Ergebnisse in drei Landern, Europan Deutsche. p.44-47


Spain Almenas COA Jaén Nº06. Magazine COA Jaén. p.37
Spain Concurso Nacional Ideas de Jóvenes Arquitectos 2007. Madrid. p.48-49


Spain Concurso COAM/Construtec 2006. Fundación COAM. p.28-31